Cold war man in hot spot

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America´s newly appointed ambassador to Iraq John Negreponte is a man to watch. He has a reputation preceding him. Negreponte is alleged to have played a key role in Honduras, when Washington was protecting the dictatorial regime there, during the Cold War. In the name of fighting Communism, America under Reagan and Jimmy Carter had provided a safety umbre-lla to several dictators in Central America. When Negerponte was Washington”s man in Honduras, under Reagan regime, he is said to have actively colluded with the Honduran secret police to execute those rebelling against the government. He also supervised the creation of the El Aguacate airbase for the US-trained Nicaraguan Contras in the 1980s. Later day governments and journalists have unearthed irrefutable evidences of foul play, in which his involvement was also allegedly proved.

Negreponte, 64, has held top diplomatic posts in South America, Asia and Europe. He had a considerable say in US action against Taliban and was also involved in persuading the UN to send a fresh team of weapons inspectors to Baghdad in November 2002. When the present top man of America quits Iraq, after handing power to the new Iraqi government on June 30, Negreponte is expected to take over the setting up of the puppet regime and also oversee the invading countries achieve their ambition?capture of flourishing Iraqi business and trade.

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