by Manju Gupta
A journey through some popular NBT series
The National Book Trust, India, established by the Government of India in 1957, promotes books and helps to inculcate the habit of reading through publication of books and by organising book fairs and exhibitions, where book lovers can obtain books of their choice under one roof. Below we publish short reviews of some popular science books which are very popular with the young readers of modern-day India.
Skin and Hair by J.S. Pasricha and Ramji Gupta, 210 pp, Rs 65.00
With widespread pollution of air and water, and also due to stress and strain, people are suffering from many skin and hair problems. The book by two skin specialists explains not only the structure of the skin and hair and how to take care of them, but even gives in detail the very common problems faced in everyday life, like acne, allergy, scabies, vitiligo, chloasma, dandruff, etc. which should ring alarm bells to tell you to rush to the skin specialist.
Social Life of Animals by Sukanya Datta, 111 pp, Rs 65.00
Sociability in animals tends to be overshadowed by that of humans. However, even a cursory look reveals the richness of social traits inherent in animal society. Making friends, standing by comrades, nurturing young, celebrating kinship, recognising a boss, mourning a loss, wooing a mate or cheating on a rival-animals do it all like humans, though they follow rigid relationship rules, not allowing emotions to rule their minds.
The author has shown how animals form social groups to live in harmony-fish travel in shoals at equal distances from one another at the same speed as though preparing for air exercises. Similarly, the striped zebra lives in a large herd thus making it difficult for the predator to identify its contours and thus increasing the chances of its survival. Dolphins try to locate each other by echo-locating clicks. Chimp-anzees can signal with facial expressions alone an entire gamut of emotions ranging from a relaxed face to a full-blown tantrum.
Your Food and You by K.T. Achaya, 112 pp, Rs 30.00
We eat food every day and some eat only what they like, without realising what the food contains and what happens to it on reaching inside the stomach.
Some very fascinating aspects like what a balanced diet means, how food is digested in the alimentary canal, the common food fads and taboos, special diets for babies, pregnant women and nursing mothers, special diets in diseases, food spoilage, etc. have been covered to acquaint the reader with some very important aspects of food eaten and how it affects the health. Written by a scientist with extensive experience in the field of foods (oils and fats, dairy products, proteins) this book is a must read for every person.
Preservation of Art Objects and their Conservation, 100 pp, Rs 40.00
Written by the Director General of INTACH, Indian Council of Conservation Institutes, this book stresses on preservation and maintenance of art objects, particularly since South and Southeast Asia are large treasure-houses of arts and crafts, writings on various materials, dating back to thousands of years and each era giving birth to a new artistic activity. Our rich legacy of cultural heritage in the form of stone sculptures, metal images, wooden objects, carpets, manuscripts, paintings, decorative objects of glass and ceramics need to be looked after as they impart the message of each period of civilisation and history.
Since art objects and antiques are subject to natural ageing and decay, this book provides information on their maintenance and precautions by detailing their properties and behaviour under diverse conditions.
Reaching Womanhood by Tarala Nandedkar and Medha Rajadh-yaksha, 130 pp, Rs 35.00.
Growing up is an exciting yet demanding period in young women”s lives. A host of questions arise in their young minds to which they want answers urgently: questions about their changing body and its needs, about their relationships, truths about sexuality, birth of babies, and so many connected problems. Ideally sex counsellors and educators should be providing the information but since this is not possible, this book by NBT provides the answers to satisfy the mental needs of the reader. Written in lucid language and profusely illustrated, the book is specially meant for young girls.
Some Common Ailments by Dr Anil Aggrawal, 98 pp, Rs 35.00
Are you troubled by a nagging cold every winter or in change of season? Are you suffering from an allergy or eczema? Is your sinusitis refusing to leave you? Does your child get diarrhoea often? These are some of the common illnesses about which we know little but suffer from frequently. While people rush too often to doctors for diseases like angina pectoris or cancer, the common ailments like cold, mumps, eczema, allergy, etc. are taken for granted. This book by a doctor of Maulana Azad Medical College attempts to provide information on what to do and what to avoid so that we fall sick less often.
Of Science and Scientists by A.N. Kothare and others, 232 pp, Rs 55.00
Although a rich treasure of material is available in the form of biographies and writings of scientists, very few of us know that these scientists were not only great discoverers but blessed with humour, humility and humanism like us ordinary mortals. This book discusses not only the basic discoveries of scientific investigation but also relates anecdotes from the lives of famous scientists who, through simple experiences, discovered what you and I could not. A book worth reading, particularly by young science lovers who wish to be budding scientists of the future.
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