The BJP candidate from Chandni Chowk is becoming a ghar ghar ki kahani. Though a Shahina or a Shazia does not worship Tulsi but Smriti Irani as Tulsi of the TV serial Kyonki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi has almost a cult status. She epitomises the virtues of sacchai to quote Parwana Begum of Matia Mahal. Parwana says, ?Tulsi hamesha sachchai ki baat karti hai.? She draws crowds all through. Everyone, particularly the women, want to see the screen bahu as closely as possible when she visits their area to interact. It is not that men keep off. They also throng her meetings on the sly. ?We do not like the sobbing serial but Tulsi is different,? the men say. She fits the image of a common walled city woman. She is creating waves. Maybe she becomes the tulsi of the aangan of Chandni Chowk.
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