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Tamil Nadu: BJP National President JP Nadda questions silence of Congress party on hooch tragedy

Published by
TS Venkatesan

Union Health Minister and BJP National President JP Nadda have written a scathing letter to Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge, criticising the party’s silence regarding the Tamil Nadu hooch tragedy that has claimed 57 lives and hospitalised 159 people.

Nadda termed the tragedy a “state-sponsored murder” and urged Kharge to persuade Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi Vadra to join the protest against the incident.

In his four-page letter, Nadda expressed deep concern over the lack of response from the Congress leadership. “Kharge Ji, the tragedy in Kallakurichi is an entirely man-made disaster, and perhaps if the deep nexus between the ruling DMK-INDI Alliance dispensation and the illicit liquor mafia didn’t exist, today 56 lives could have been saved,” he wrote.

Nadda began his letter with a heartfelt message: “I hope this letter finds you in good health. It is with a heavy heart I write this letter to you, not merely in the capacity of the National President of BJP but more importantly as a Bharatiya. The ghostly images of burning funeral pyres from Karunapuram village in Kallakurichi, Tamil Nadu, in the aftermath of Tamil Nadu’s worst ever spurious liquor consumption tragedy, that has left 56 dead until now and almost 159 persons hospitalized, has shaken the conscience of the entire nation. Visuals of crying women and children who have lost their husbands, sons, and fathers have left everyone speechless. This is a human tragedy of enormous proportions which words alone can never truly encapsulate.”

He continued, emphasizing the BJP’s support for the affected families: “BJP, being a sensitive party, has not only extended full condolences and sympathies to the people of Tamil Nadu during this period of mourning but has been providing utmost support to every distraught family.”

Nadda’s letter follows the demand for a CBI probe into the tragedy by Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman. She had questioned the Congress party’s silence and criticized the DMK government for its handling of the crisis. “You have no statement coming from Congress President (Mallikarjun Kharge) or the former Congress President (Rahul Gandhi), who rushes to the South seeking people’s vote to win elections,” she stated.

The call for a CBI investigation has gained momentum, with a delegation led by Tamil Nadu BJP Chief K. Annamalai presenting a petition to Governor RN Ravi. However, Tamil Nadu has withdrawn special permission for CBI probes in the state, necessitating either a court order or a recommendation from the state for a CBI investigation.

In his letter, Nadda emphasized the urgency of addressing the issue: “This is a human tragedy of enormous proportions which words alone can never truly encapsulate. BJP being a sensitive party has not only extended full condolences and sympathies to the people of Tamil Nadu during this period of mourning but has been providing utmost support to every distraught family.”

In a strongly worded four-page letter addressed to Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge, Nadda condemned what he termed as a “state-sponsored murder” facilitated by the DMK-INDI Alliance government’s alleged patronage of illicit liquor mafia in the state.

Expressing his deep concern and anguish, Nadda wrote, “May I remind you that in 2021, the Congress manifesto had detailed a plan for liquor prohibition in the state. Such lofty promises have been made by DMK-I.N.D.I.A too in the past. Ironically, your DMK-INDI Alliance government is now the biggest patroniser of illicit spurious liquor trade that has claimed hundreds of lives whenever you are in power.”

Referring to a similar tragedy last year in Markannam and Chengleput where 23 lives were lost, Nadda criticized the DMK government for ignoring prior warnings from the BJP regarding the rampant operation of illicit liquor networks. “The media and investigation reports have made it clear how this business of illicit liquor was functioning openly and with impunity, evidently with state and police patronage,” he added.

Nadda did not spare the Congress leadership, urging Kharge to prompt Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi Vadra to visit the victims’ families or at least raise their voices on the issue. “Empty words, peddling false narratives, and hollow promises will not undo the injustice heaped upon the SC victims and their families by the DMK-INDI Alliance government,” Nadda emphasized.

Highlighting the dire situation in Karunapuram, predominantly populated by Scheduled Castes facing poverty and discrimination, Nadda expressed shock at Congress’ “stoic silence” following the disaster. He demanded immediate action from the DMK-INDI Alliance government, including the removal of Minister Muthuswamy, and called for a CBI probe into the incident.

Nadda underscored, “The state administration’s efforts to cover up the hooch tragedy only exacerbated the loss of lives. The BJP and the entire nation demand that you press upon the DMK-INDI Alliance Tamil Nadu government for a CBI probe.”

In conclusion, Nadda invited Kharge to join BJP leaders in a black band protest against what he described as a “state-sponsored disaster” in front of Mahatma Gandhi’s statue within Parliament premises. He appealed to Kharge to uphold the principles of Mahatma Gandhi, who staunchly opposed alcohol consumption, and to cleanse the alliance of elements involved in illegal liquor activities.

The BJP’s relentless push for justice and accountability in the Tamil Nadu hooch tragedy reflects growing national concern over the incident’s severity and the need for swift and impartial investigation to ensure justice for the victims and their families.

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