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Tamil Nadu: Dayanidhi Maran’s remarks on Sivaji Krishnamurthy highlight DMK’s controversial public speaking strategy

Published by
TS Venkatesan

Central Chennai Lok Sabha MP Dayanidhi Maran’s recent praise of the controversial platform speaker Sivaji Krishnamurthy has sparked controversy and is seen as an endorsement of DMK’s aggressive public speaking style. Sivaji Krishnamurthy is known for his frequent use of foul language against various figures including PM Modi, Annamalai, Tamil Isai, Kushboo Sundar, and Governor RN Ravi. He is currently out on bail following remarks against actor Kushboo, who is also a member of the National Commission for Women.

Speaking at a recent DMK meeting in Annanagar where various schemes were being distributed, former Union Minister and DMK MP Dayanidhi Maran began by thanking the people of central Chennai for his electoral victory.

He praised Sivaji Krishnamurthy, stating, “Today in Tamil Nadu, after the late Vetri Kondan, the person who stands out the most among the people is our beloved brother Sivaji. The memes on YouTube, whether about ADMK, Modi, or Annamalai, he dismantles them. His speeches inspire these memes, and they are enjoyed by people from all walks of life.”

Maran’s remarks have been interpreted as an endorsement of DMK’s strategy to tarnish opponents using strong language. Critics argue that figures like Sivaji Krishnamurthy are encouraged by the DMK to launch verbal attacks aimed at silencing adversaries and preventing backlash from their own speakers.

For those unfamiliar with Sivaji Krishnamurthy’s rhetoric, examples include his post-Lok Sabha election comments on Prime Minister Narendra Modi, where he provocatively stated, “Now if you say Modi, Chandrababu Naidu will force-feed him a banana, Nitish Kumar will bring the best item from the North, and if Pawan Kalyan and others join in, Modi’s mouth will tear apart, ending ‘Modi Ka Parivar, Modi Ka Guarantee.'”

In another instance, Sivaji Krishnamurthy challenged TN BJP chief Annamalai with explicit language, saying, “He claimed there won’t be a party called DMK after the elections. ‘Ada g*mala dei’, Do you have the guts to say that?”

Critics argue that such rhetoric not only undermines political discourse but also sets a divisive tone detrimental to public dialogue and harmony.

He disparaged former Governor Tamilisai Soundararajan, alleging, “Today, a sister went to Andhra; Amit Shah sent her with two slaps to her ears. Amit Shah said, ‘Be respectful, shut up and keep quiet; if you open your mouth here and there, I will cut and bury you.’ Look at her face, it’s like that. Today, if you see, my sister went to V-Care, straightened all her curly hair and went stylish. This is why we say, isn’t there a saying or not, ‘Even if you call a dog and keep it, where will it go? It will go to eat sh*t.’” He added, “She (Tamilisai) holds the mic and says, brother asked before coming, sister asked in how many lakhs will you win? I said by one lakh. My brother has gone up… in jeep (double meaning) … brother has gone up, now two lakhs. Now tell me what should we keep in the mouth?”

In response to PMK president Anbumani Ramadoss, who claimed that the DMK has nothing to do with social justice, Sivaji Krishnamurthy retorted, “Go and suck whoever you’ve joined with. Don’t ask us; did you join us?”

At an election campaign in Kancheepuram advocating for DMK MP Candidate G Selvan from Kanchipuram, Sivaji Krishnamurthy said, “Who is he? Nirodh (Condom) …. Sorry! Sarath Kumar… Even if I go to Chennai, Tiruvallur, Kanchipuram, it will be exactly 1 or 2 O’clock, then I will go home and wake up my wife. She has to be woken up for something right. Don’t you need a reason to wake up your wife? This sister f*c*er has woken her half past two… this Sarath Kumar. She is sleepy, she has come and lie down after giving advertisement to nighties. At half past two, he calls ‘Radhika, Radhika’. Squinting her eyes, she asks what? If you have woken her up for something else, you are a man. Instead, he tells her ‘Modi is calling shall we go?’”

Speaking at an event commemorating the 100th birthday of Karunanidhi, Sivaji Krishnamurthy expressed disdain for Khusbhu Sundar, a former DMK member and present BJP member, cautioning aspiring actors against emulating her. He remarked, “If one wants to pursue acting, they must not emulate Khusbhu. She is my old sister-in-law (pazheya Anni), now she is akin to an old vessel that has been refurbished for reuse.” He also used obscene language to talk about the arrest of Balaji in a money laundering case, directed at former Tamil Nadu fisheries minister Jayakumar, using derogatory Tamil slurs like “Lavade Ka Baal,” “Baadu,” and “Pottai,” leveling numerous accusations against him.

Kushboo criticised, “The crass comments of this habitual offender reflect the political culture prevalent in DMK,” she tweeted. “There are many like him in that rut. Abusing women, passing lewd cheap comments about them goes unchecked and is probably rewarded with more opportunities.”

Last June, DMK announced, “Sivaji Krishnamurthy is being dismissed from all party posts, including the primary membership, for violating party discipline and bringing disrepute to it,” but he was readmitted following his apologies. However, his suspension was revoked almost five months later when he apologised for his remarks.

When Governor Ravi skipped reading the speech provided by the DMK government in the state assembly, Krishnamoorthy, known for his crude speeches, verbally attacked Governor Ravi and threatened to deploy terrorists to shoot and kill him. He stated, “CM is asking us not to scold the Governor. Had he read the speech properly, I would have placed flowers on his feet and thanked him with folded hands. But don’t I have the right to slap him with a slipper if he denies saying Ambedkar’s name? If you deny saying his name, you go to Kashmir. We’ll send a terrorist to shoot and kill you.”

Krishnamoorthy also criticised the Governor’s decision to revoke the order dismissing Liquor Minister Senthil Balaji and his response to a DMK petition seeking the redistribution of Senthil Balaji’s responsibilities. Krishnamoorthy pointed out the Governor’s perceived inconsistency, stating, “You said it was wrong, you said you won’t accept. If you were born to your mother, you should have been strong about your stand, ng*tha, you changed it.”

Yet, we remain perplexed about which of Sivaji Krishnamurthy’s crude, derogatory, and sexist remarks impressed Dayanidhi Maran enough to say, “it is so good and it is enjoyed by people from all walks of life.” We leave it to you, readers, to judge.

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