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Uttar Pradesh: House of slain-gangster Atiq Ahmed’s sister-in-law Zainab Fatima demolished

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In Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, the BJP-led administration has taken decisive action against the remnants of the criminal empire of slain gangster-turned-politician Atiq Ahmed. The house belonging to Zainab Fatima, wife of Ahmed’s brother-in-law Ashraf, was demolished by the Prayagraj Development Authority (PDA), scattering cement-clad bricks across the ground—a stark symbol of the government’s crackdown.

The Zonal Officer of the PDA explained the rationale behind the demolition to ANI, stating, “This building is constructed under the name Zeeshan Fatima. This is constructed on Waqf land. They could not prove their ownership. Hence, the order to demolish it was passed.” The demolition notice was served under Section 27 of the Uttar Pradesh Nagar Niyojan Vikas Adhiniyam 1973.

This move has been perceived by many as a severe blow to the gang that once idolised Atiq Ahmed. The opponents of Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath express their heartache silently, fearing repercussions from pro-Bharat voices.

Deepak Bhuker, Deputy Commissioner of Police (City) Bareilly, revealed that the police are compiling details of illegal and benami properties belonging to five more gang members associated with Ahmed. According to sources close to Organiser Weekly, properties of Ashraf’s two brothers-in-law, Saddam and Zaid Master—both history-sheeters at the Puramufti police station—have already been listed by the Bareilly police.

This demolition is part of a broader initiative by the Uttar Pradesh government to reclaim land and dismantle criminal networks. In June 2023, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath handed over allotment letters for flats to 76 beneficiaries of the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban) in Prayagraj. These homes were constructed on land previously occupied by illegal encroachments linked to Atiq Ahmed.

As the state government continues its zero-tolerance policy towards crime and corruption, more properties associated with Ahmed’s gang are expected to face similar actions, underscoring the administration’s commitment to restoring law and order.

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