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Shashi Tharoor’s personal secretary arrested for gold smuggling; similar incident reported in 2020

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Customs officials at Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International Airport arrested Shiv Prasad, the personal assistant to Congress leader Shashi Tharoor, for allegedly smuggling gold from Dubai. The incident occurred on Wednesday, May 29, at Terminal 3, where Prasad was detained with gold worth approximately Rs 30 lakh.

Upon seizing the gold, customs authorities initiated an investigation to determine its origin and authenticity. When questioned, Prasad, who had just arrived from Dubai, failed to provide adequate explanations or the necessary documentation regarding the gold’s source and purpose for bringing it into India.

Shashi Tharoor, a senior Congress leader, former Union Minister, and current MP from the Thiruvananthapuram Lok Sabha constituency, addressed the arrest on social media. He clarified that Prasad, a 72-year-old retiree undergoing frequent dialysis, was retained as a part-time employee on compassionate grounds after previously serving on his staff.

Tharoor expressed his shock and disapproval of any illegal activities, emphasising his support for the authorities’ investigation. “While I am in Dharamshala for campaigning purposes, I was shocked to hear of an incident involving a former member of my staff who has been rendering part-time service to me in terms of airport facilitation assistance. He is a 72-year-old retiree undergoing frequent dialysis and was retained on a part-time basis on compassionate grounds. I do not condone any alleged wrongdoing and fully support the authorities in their efforts to take any necessary action as may be required to investigate the matter. The law must take its own course,” Tharoor stated.

Interestingly, Tharoor has faced similar controversies before. In 2020, he was accused of having connections with the prime suspect in the Kerala gold smuggling case. Tharoor denied these allegations, stating that the individual under investigation for gold smuggling had not received a job at the UAE consulate in Thiruvananthapuram through his recommendation. He even sent a legal notice to Kairali TV, a Malayalam news channel, for broadcasting news about his alleged association with the suspect.

The current investigation into Prasad’s activities is ongoing, as authorities seek to uncover further details regarding the gold smuggling attempt.

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