Shri Milind Panrande, the secretary general of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP), called for a nationwide Hanuman Chalisa Path, ‘Hanumat Shakti Jagran’ against the Congress’s call for banning Bajrang Dal in Karnataka. Hanuman Chalisa will be recited in groups across the country on May 9. Notably, Panrande called for the protest and named it ‘Kamati Nivar Sumati ke Sangi’, a verse from the Hanuman Chalisa. As per the VHP head, the peaceful recitation is being organised to pray to the god for mercy on Anti-National forces and their supporters, like the Congress party. During this recitation, across the country, the VHP and Bajrang Dal members will ask the god to give some ‘Sense’ to the age-old party and their members. Soon after the manifesto for the Karnataka assembly was released by the party president, there have been calls from states like Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, Himachal Pradesh, Maharashtra and others to ban the social service organisation ‘Bajrang Dal’. Also Read: VHP issues legal notice to Mallikarjun Kharge regarding defamatory remarks made against Bajrang Dal The Congress party not only called for the ban but also compared the peaceful organisation with the terror outfit PFI, which in no manner is acceptable, said Milind Panrande. The Congress cannot see, how Bajrang Dal actively works against crime be it against women, children, daughters, Gau Mata. The organisation always works on noble causes like Kanya Dan, Gau Sewa and Blood Donations. The organisation also looks after the safety of temples and Sadhus across the country. Against the vicious propaganda, VHP will recite Hanuman Chalisa across the country. Milind Panrande asked, the countrymen to participate in the recitation and make sure the abusers of Bajrangbali are duly punished. The VHP chief Vindo Bansal said, “Ensure your participation in defeating anti-religious forces by participating in one or the other of these Hanuman Chalisa path programs being held at thousands of places across the country along with your family members, neighbours and friends.” Notably, this is not the first time that VHP is organising the Hanuman Chalisa path against the congress manifesto. On May 4, Bajrang Dal and VHP recited Hanuman Chalisa at Vijaynagar in Karnataka. Read More: Karnataka Assembly Elections: VHP, Bajrang Dal members recite Hanuman Chalisa in protest against Congress Manifesto News agency ANI shared a video from the site with the caption, “Vishva Hindu Parishad and Bajrang Dal recite Hanuman Chalisa in Vijayanagar in order to protest against the Congress manifesto for Karnataka elections.” #WATCH | Karnataka: Vishva Hindu Parishad and Bajrang Dal recite Hanuman Chalisa in Vijayanagar in order to protest against the Congress manifesto for Karnataka elections. — ANI (@ANI) May 4, 2023 In the manifesto, Congress said: “We believe that law and Constitution is sacrosanct and cannot be violated by individuals and organisations like Bajrang Dal, PFI or others promoting enmity or hatred, whether among majority or minority communities. We will take decisive action as per law including imposing a ban on such organisations,” read the Congress manifesto released by the party president Mallikarjun Kharge. Read More: Karnataka Congress Manifesto: Congress calls for banning Bajrang Dal, compares it with PFI; VHP slams Congress After the release of the Congress manifesto the Joint General Secretary, VHP Surendra Jain said, “Congress comparing organisation that is dedicated to serving the people of the country with a terrorist organisation like PFI is highly condemnable. The Congress has always joined hands with the PFI and that is why the existence of Bajrang Dal hurts them. We have raised our voices against the ‘Sar Tan Se Juda’ gangs and that is why they are calling for a ban on us.” “I would like to tell Madam Sonia Gandhi that, she cannot fool the people of this country by her shallow move. The same Congress which once protested the ban against terrorist organisation SIMI, is calling for a ban on Bajrang Dal, such a shame it is”, added Jain. Read More: Comparing Vishwa Hindu Parishad with Popular Front of India is highly objectionable: VHP’s Surendra Jain Notably, this is not the first time that the Karnataka state leadership has called for banning the Bajrang Dal and compared it with PFI. In August 2016, the then Congress state president Dinesh Gundu Rao said he wants to ban the Bajrang Dal for its cow vigilantism and cultural policing. Calling for a peaceful protest following the manifesto the Bajrang Dal activists said, “This is the time when ‘Dharma’ is in danger and standing together is the only way forward. We should set aside our differences and come together to protect dharma, and hold hands together”. It is pertinent to mention that, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, during his public meeting at Hospet in Vijayanagara district on Tuesday, too had come down heavily on the Congress promise of banning Bajrang Dal saying: “The Congress in its manifesto has decided to lock up Lord Hanuman. Initially, they locked up Prabhu Shri Ram (Lord Ram). And now they want to lock up people who say ‘Jai Bajrang Bali’ (Hail Hanuman).” Read More: Karnataka polls 2023: PM Modi slams Congress, says it protects ‘masterminds of terror’
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