Amravati: A National Investigation Agency (NIA) court on Friday sent two accused in the Umesh Kolhe murder case, Abdul Arbaaz and Maulvi Mushfiq Ahmed, to NIA custody till August 12. Arbaz and Mushfique were arrested by the central agency on Wednesday. While presenting both the arrested persons, NIA told the court that they had helped the mastermind of the Umesh Kolhe murder case, Irfan Khan, and other accused to hide after the murder. NIA further told that these accused had organized a dinner party after the murder of Umesh Kolhe. Other people were also invited to this party. NIA wants to come across who else was present at this dinner party. NIA said Arbaz and Mushfique are criminal associates of earlier arrested accused persons namely Irfan Shaikh, Shoaib Khan, Mudassir Ahmed, Aatif Rashid, Yusuf Khan, Abdul Toufuq and Shahrukh Pathan and one wanted accused namely Shamim Ahmed Firoj Ahmed. Further investigations into the case are in progress. (ANI)
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